Agreement on vessel management services
13 December, 2016
The large foreign tanker operator applied to Interlegal on drafting the necessary Agreement on vessel management services, in order to provide technical and crewing management services to the foreign tanker fleet.
The work upon request included analysis of the existing legal risks of providing technical and crewing management services and other related operations. Special attention was drawn to vessels’ navigation area and flag, composition of crew members, terms of payment, applicable law and place of disputes resolution.
As the result, relying on the standard proforma SHIPMAN 2009, with regards to industry peculiarities and special agreements reached between the parties, Interlegal lawyers drafted the English version of the Agreement on vessel management services. In addition, the Client obtained practical recommendations concerning execution of fixed arrangements as well as minimization of the revealed and potential risks.
Interlegal maritime law practitioner Olena Ptashenchuk, under general supervision of the associated partner Natalya Myroshnychenko, led the case.