Announcement: Grain Forum – 2012
21 March, 2012
Organizer: APK-Inform Agency
APK-Inform Agency announces about holding of the eleventh international conference “Grain Forum – 2012: Production, Processing, Trading” (June 6-8, 2012, Yalta, hotel Palmira Palace).The event to be traditionally held at the end of the current MY in order to sum up the preliminary results of the season and estimate the prospects of the market development in the next season. While preparing the site for meeting of representatives of the grain market, APK-Inform aims to maximize covering of the most pressing issues for representatives of all segments of the grain market.
Production– Record carry-over stocks of grains will become one of the decisive factors in formation of the grain market in 2012/13 MY. Thus, according to data of APK-Inform Agency, the carry-over stocks of grains will total nearly 14 mln tonnes, including wheat – 7.5 mln tonnes, maize – 4.7 mln tonnes, barley – 1.2 mln tonnes.
– Effect of weather and climatic conditions for the harvest in 2012. According to preliminary estimations of experts, the grain harvest is expected to decrease. The greatest risks are associated with wheat production.
– Record harvest of maize in the season-2011/12 and large carry-over stocks of the grain will play rather significant role in formation of the Ukrainian market of feed grains in 2012/13 MY.
– What are the prospects for development of the market of niche crops (peas, millet, oats, sorghum)?
Processing– Flour-milling enterprises in Ukraine will experience a shortage of milling wheat. How will change prices for milling grains? Should we expect for a decrease in the number of players on the market next season?
TradingThe main factors of formation of the present market segment:
– increasing of demand in grains;
– changes of prices for grains and food commodities;
– possible imposition of limitations on wheat exports in the season-2012/13.
Common problems of the industry
– Infrastructure of the grain industry of Ukraine expects for appearing of the problems with storage of grains in the new season. Thus, the problem of storing of grain production volumes became one of the most pressing issues in 2011/12 MY. How the problem will be solved in next season, taking into account the fact that the carry-over stocks of grains will be very large?!
– The industry is experiencing difficulties with transportation of grains. Will the problem with a shortage of grain rail-carriers be solved?
The reporting moments – only a small part of the problems, faced by members of the grain market every day throughout the complete season. The organizers will pay attention not only to market trends, but also to the situation with the state regulation of the industry, legal and financial aspects of its functioning.APK-Inform Agency invites the following types of participants to participate in discussion of these issues, and prospects for the industry development within frames of the eleventh international conference “Grain Forum – 2012”: Agricultural producers, representatives of agricultural holdings, grain trading, freight-forwarding and surveying companies, executives and specialists of elevators, and grain processing enterprises; engineering companies, suppliers of technical equipment, and material and technical resources, representatives of financial and insurance companies, banks and industry associations, and unions, representatives of legislative and executive branches of the government of Ukraine, non-governmental organizations.
Traditionally, along with the leading Ukrainian companies the organizers also invite importers of Ukrainian grain products to participate in the conference, as well as representatives of Russian, Kazakh, European, American, Canadian companies and other countries.
The expected number of the conference delegates – nearly 200 people.
You can become acquainted with the results of the previous conference at the web-site of the event.
Organizational committee of the conference
APK-Inform Agency:
+380 562 320795, +7 495 7894419 (multichannel)
+380 562 321595
Olga Ramazanova (ext. 163) – Foreign economic department