Annual conference upon TAXPRO tax planning
27 June, 2012
On the 21st of June 2012 an annual conference on tax planning took place in Odessa.
This year format of the event has combined profitably conference and exhibition.
The organizer of the conference is the famous company BOSCO Conference (Kiev, Ukraine), conference moderator was Ivan Movliak, the associated partner of the International Legal Service.
Within the conference the participants have listened to 10 reports on international taxation. The reports were prepared by chief international and Ukrainian lawyers and advisers. The distinguishing feature of the conference was the expo-zone represented by chief providers of corporate services and international advisers from European, Asian and Middle East countries.
BOSCO conferences and forums are first of all business platforms for communication and interchange of the experts’ experience from European and CIS countries. Here the participants get only new and verified information in the scope of building international corporate structures.
27 June 2012