Arbitration proceedings under the shiprepair contract
3 July, 2018
Interlegal lawyers completed the arbitration proceedings as representatives of a shiprepair company in the dispute under shiprepair contract. The Client applied to Interlegal for defense and representation of interests at the arbitration court, having tried to do all the best for pretrial dispute settlement.
During the arbitration proceedings, the debtor tried to evade fulfillment of its obligation and did not wish to recognize the debt, having applied various arguments at the arbitration court: manipulating the contract provisions, rejecting to recognize legal facts, accusing the shiprepair company in poor ship repair and filing a counterclaim.
But Interlegal lawyers, in compliance with the project management principles for teamwork, analyzed thoroughly legal and technical documentation, collected evidence in favour of legal position and drafted counter arguments against the debtor’s position. Due to defense tactics, lawyers could prove proper performance of the contract by shiprepair company, the fact of counteragent’s debt and its duty to pay the debt in favour of the Client, as well as the debtor’s groundless arguments upon poor ship repair.
Arbitrators satisfied the Client’s claims in full and rejected satisfaction of the counteragent’s counterclaims. Arbitration proceedings showed once more the importance of mutual relations with counteragents just at the stage of contract conclusion with clear and unambiguous terms of its performance. Click here for details of correct shiprepair contracts.
Interlegal attorney-at-law Vitalii Tolstik, senior lawyer Alexey Remeslo and junior lawyer Juliya Kubarskaya led the case.