Arrest of the foreign vessel as security of undisputable claim in the framework of the enforcement of the award of the MAC at the Ukrainian CCI
15 March, 2016
The client, one of Ukrainian ship-repair yards, applied to Interlegal, due to non-payment of the repair works by the customer, a large shipowner. Ship repair works lasted for 4 months and were fully accepted by the customer.
The client’s undisputable claim was confirmed by the appropriate Award of the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Arbitral tribunal recognized and satisfied the client’s claim in full. The Arbitral Award is final and binding and has entered into force.
Lawyers of Interlegal initiated recognition and enforcement of the aforesaid Award at the territory of Ukraine at the place of location of the customer’s property, i.e. the vessel flying the foreign flag. In the process of the court proceedings the application on claim security was filed and the vessel was arrested.
Alexey Remeslo, the senior lawyer, and Olena Ptashenchuk, the lawyer, are working upon the case.