Black Sea Container Summit 2011
15 September, 2011
The Fifth International ‘Black Sea Container Summit’ has started its work today on the 15th of September in Odessa (Ukraine)
The organizers are ‘Ports of Ukraine’ Publishing House and the Center for Analytics and Information ‘BlackSeaTrans’.
The Summit is conceived as a regular parade of the Black Sea region ‘container forces’ under the conditions of container traffic recovery after the world economic crisis.
This Summit has become one of the main professional events in the field of sea container carriages. Now it is attended by the largest players of the transport sector.
International Law Offices is represented at the container summit for the third year. This time Arthur Nitsevych covered the perspectives for a port reform in Ukraine in connection with the new draft law ‘On Sea Ports’ which provides new rules for the players of the market, transfer of commercial functions of the ports to the private sector, revolutionary reorganization of the existing port complexes, main instruments of this reform – privatization and concession etc.
On the first day of the Summit these reports caused particular interest:
‘Shipping Lines: Business Competition and Partnership. New Tendencies of a Market Strategy’ by Jesper Pederson, General Director of ‘Maersk Line Ukraine’.
‘Topical Issues of Transshipment Regime Implementation and Free Practice in the Ports of Ukraine’ by Yuriy Vaskov, First Deputy Head of Odessa Commercial Sea Port.
On 16 September in the course of the ‘Black Sea Container Summit 2011’ the presentation of a new container terminal of Ilyichevsk Sea Fishing Port with a capacity of 500,000 TEU was made.
The Summit gathered more than 120 representatives of the biggest leading world container lines, heads of sea ports and transport companies from more than 10 countries of the world. The damage caused by the world crisis had a great impact on the terminal possibilities of shipping in the Black Sea region.
Konstantin Ilnitskiy highlighted that some positive tendency can be seen as revival of the Ukrainian ports is traced by increase of the volume of container carriages.
The growth rate is about 20 % for the first half of this year However, according to the predictions of the analytics container market of Ukraine will reach the pre-crisis level of 2008 not earlier than in 2014.