Business making under Ukrainian business environment
9 April, 2020
A foreign client applied to Interlegal for making business in Ukraine. Its request covered the following services: registration of the Ukrainian company (as limited liability company) and opening bank account.
Although it is a standard and common case for Interlegal corporate practice, it should be noted that quality of such standard actions is a priority for the Client. To start new business is always a hard and complex process, while starting business in another country requires for involvement of local experts which could introduce national business environment for the investor.
Standard process of the company registration included the following related issues: lease agreement on the office premises, labour relations with the company director (finally, it resulted in separate labour contract), tax consulting and others. The Client as the company founder wanted to get engaged in business management as much as possible; such recommendation was also taken into account while determining powers for the company management bodies.
At each stage, Interlegal lawyers provided full legal support and assistance to the Client, with regards to its individual demands and mentality. Interlegal junior lawyer Viktoria Yankovskaya, associate attorney Marta Sverdlykivska, managed by partner Irina Voyevodina, led the project.