Conference organized by IMMTA
4 October, 2010
The organisers, IMMTA with the cooperation of the thinktank shop MARLAW, paid attention to that international endeavour, at a most timely occasion from the comparative perspective of the “Rotterdam Rules”, by calling for an international colloquium located in the strategic passage of the Gibraltar Strait.
The Colloquium had sitting sessions, and visits, to the ports of Algeciras and Málaga, which serve the trade Mediterranean/Atlantic and the Europe/Africa land routage. The Colloquium is aimed at examining the performances of the MTO, the ITO, the Shipper and the Consignee with a view to comparing the regulatory options available to date, assessing the suitability of the “Rotterdam Rules” and arriving at a pattern of legislation that might be conclusively proposed for Multimodal Transport and for the liability of the MTO.
The partners of International Law Offices made a presentation entitled REGULATORY OPTIONS FOR SHIPPING AND TRANSPORTATION: view from the ex-USSR countries.