Debt recovery should not be postponed
27 March, 2020
The Client applied to Interlegal for charging accounts receivable in the framework of its contractual relations.
With reference to media information concerning suspension of court hearings, the Client emphasized its right to postpone filing a lawsuit on debt recovery. The Client supposed that such circumstance prolongs both the term for applying to the court and the limitation period.
Having studied all the case materials, Interlegal lawyers recommended the Client to file immediately to the court an appropriate lawsuit on debt recovery, since the courts are still operating in standard mode with regards to acceptance of correspondence (procedural documents).
Following official termination of the quarantine, the courts will continue operating in standard mode to the full extent, while it is highly probable that the Client’s failure to apply to the court within limitation period cannot be proved by the fact of the quarantine.
Interlegal lawyers also notified the Client that lately no amendments have been made to special legislation on procedural terms, in particular, in the framework of measures aimed at combatting COVID-19 disease.
The Client obtained prompt instructions and draft lawsuit submitted to the court within procedural terms.