Dispute between the Ukrainian importer and global container line, in total amount of 3 million USD
26 March, 2014
Interlegal has defended interests of the client, large Ukrainian tropic fruit importer, in the dispute with international container carrier. The dispute arose due to delivery of a large lot of damaged cargo in Ukraine. It touched the issues of compliance with temperature regime by the carrier, as provided by Terms & Conditions of the Contract of Carriage.
The importer had to sell most of cargo at the reduced price, therefore it caused significant losses.
According to Terms & Conditions of the Contract of Carriage the case was subject to consideration and settlement at the High Court of Justice in London.
After the claimant’s lawyers, specialized experts and auditors prepared and filed the claim and all the necessary evidence, the defendant made a proposal to the claimant upon pretrial settlement.
Due to signing the agreement, the claimant received successfully the settlement amount.
The importer’s interests were represented by Kirina Riashentseva, lawyer of Interlegal, Alexander Chebotarenko, senior lawyer of Interlegal, under the guidance of Artem Skorobogatov, associated partner of Interlegal.