‘Effective Logistics in Ukraine: Myth or Reality?’
25 February, 2011
The senior lawyers of International Law Offices, Artem Skorobogatov and Natalia Myroshnychenko, took part in the specialized Trade Show ‘Logistics 2011’ within the framework of which the international conference ‘EffectiveLogisticsinUkraine: MythorReality?’ was held. The conference was organized by Logistics Platform the legal partner of which is International Law Offices (Ukraine).The conference was organized underthe supportof theBelgian – UkrainianBusinessClub (Belgium) andNEATransportResearchandTrainingInstitute (the Netherlands). The issues discussed at the conference covered the current state of the logistics sector of Ukraine, barriers and development tendencies, investments volume and directions, innovation projects and solutions, as well as experience sharing related to the logistics of the EU countries. The conference was dedicated to the actual issues regarding the current and future development of the logistics sector in Ukraine. The event was held between 22 and 25 February 2011 at the exhibition center ‘KyivExpoPlaza’ (2B Salyutna Str.). The conference was attended by more than 80 participants. They were heads and leading experts of the logistics sector of Ukraine, representatives of investment funds, associations, insurance, legal and consulting companies.The senior lawyer of International Law Offices, Natalia Myroshnychenko, made a presentation Liability of the Logistics Operator or How Many Policies One Should Have to Be Happy. |
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