Seminar “Legal issues of grain and oil transportation in containers”
June 20, 2024

The seminar “Legal issues of grain and oil transportation in containers” is a sort of legal intensive for market players engaged in container transportation.
Participation format: hybrid
Union Conference Hall (1st floor) or online by YouTube
03:00 PM -05:00 PM
Participation is free with prior registration
Our practicing experts will tell you about difficulties they faced while working with lines, and, of course, representatives of carriers will comment upon these situations from their side.
You will learn about specifications and operating rules of liner carriers, when the line has the right to demurrage, retention, sale and destruction of cargo, what to do in case of rerouting or cancelling a port call, as well as the difference between Bill of Lading, Sea Waybill, Express Release, when and how to use them.

Irina Maltseva, Associate Attorney. Advocate at Interlegal
Ivan Pozdnyakov, Manager of Formag Group
Yuliia Malyshko, Director of ZIM
Oleksii Remeslo, Partner at Interlegal
Rosie Goncare