‘First All-Ukrainian Rating of Chief Experts on Promotion of Law Business in Ukraine’
16 November, 2012
13 November 2012 г. summarized
‘First All-Ukrainian Rating of Chief Experts on Promotion of Law Business in Ukraine’.
Irina Nychyporchuk, the marketing manager of the International Law Offices (Interlegal) joint Top 20 of the most honourable representatives of such profession.
Detailed research of experts in marketing, public relations and business development of law companies was held in Ukraine for the first time. The results of such research determined top 20 (i.e. the best twenty female representatives of marketing).
The main task of the project was to estimate professionalism and reputation of the experts in law business promotion in Ukraine under the numerous criteria and to point out the diamond League – the most honourable representatives.
The work of marketing manager, PR manager and expert in business promotion is the more difficult the more limited is profile of the company being promoted. It is important to do own business in such way that the correct information about the company’s activity should be granted and the brand and the experts should be presented in the favourable light. Not only the systematic approach is important but also variety of methods of practice promotion which are often very different for different trends. Innovation and creativity shall be taken into account everywhere because they are typical of the 21st century.
We hope that the similar rating will be held in Ukraine regularly. This year over 40 candidates took part in research. The project started in the middle of August and finished on the 13th of November. Three months of proceeding and calculation is a huge work of organizers. Let us remind that it is the newspaper Law Practice that did all the best to hold such research in Ukraine.
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Of the International Law Offices Interlegal
16 November 2012