“From СРТ to FOB” – new book by Interlegal
6 April, 2016
The new fifth book from the “Practice of Maritime Business” series, “From СРТ to FOB”, completed the Interlegal library. The authors are such famous experts of Interlegal as A. Nitsevych, N. Melnykov, V. Lebedev, A. Skorobogatov, N. Myroshnychenko, A. Perepelitsa, A. Remeslo, I. Biliuk, K. Gorovaya and K. Gadetskaya, under the editorship of V. Lebedev, the consultant. The book consists of materials derived from practice and published for the recent years in various periodicals. These materials display our experience in legal, economic and commercial support of international trade, in particular, agricultural product trade and some correlated industries, as well as our points of view upon the subject of these publications.
Special attention has been paid to the agricultural product supply terms, correlated risks, mechanisms of contract conclusion and performance, consideration and settlement of disputes arising from export, commercial and carriage contract performance.
This publication may be interesting not only for business practitioners and support in legal and commercial relationship, but also for arrangement of some theories regarding the shipping economy, transport/maritime law. It arouses special interest among professional experts interested in the English law. The book is intended for use by lawyers engaged in maritime law and insurance, by employees securing the contractual proceedings and settlement of legal disputes between the companies involved in trade, in particular, in grain trade, and by students attending law, economy and maritime courses.
This publication devoted to our annual Conference «Grain Forum & Maritime Days in Odessa – 2016». We congratulate authors with this new publication!