Information message №1
25 July, 2012
- We kindly inform you that Pavel Leonidovich Zemlianskiy, the Deputy Head of the Department of Sea Systems of Russian Sea Navigation Register Management has agreed to take part in the seminar. He will present his book 2006 Labour Convention in Sea Navigation: a New Legal Regulation of Labour Relationship. He will also give practical recommendations in preparation to vessel certification in compliance with 2006 Labour Convention in Sea Navigation, tell you about the certification procedure, answer the questions sent by the participants beforehand to the organization committee which will allow the lecturer to prepare the most complete answers. The abovementioned book is included to the seminar material being handed out to the participants.
- We remind you that the interactive section after lunch will consist of three master classes held simultaneously. With active participation of the audience the mediators will examine the most interest cases. We offer you to enter one of three master classes:
- Ship owner vs. Ship owner: collisions etc.
- Insurer vs. Insurant: influence of human factor on compensation.
- Ship owner vs. Crew: settlement of conflicts.
We are waiting for your requests!
We are waiting for your questions!
Send in your name to master classes!
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