Interlegal client returned 65,000 USD for bunker supply
31 August, 2018
Interlegal client – a large bunkering company – applied to Interlegal for legal assistance due to debt recovery for bunker supply. Case analysis resulted in the decision on ship arrest as maritime claim security as soon as possible, since the Debtor’s vessel had just called at one of the Ukrainian sea ports for loading.
Interlegal experts filed in due time a relevant application on ship arrest and collected all the necessary evidence justifying the debt and, as foremost, the maritime claim. The court agreed with arguments and evidence stated in the application and arrested the Debtor’s vessel.
Further, having assessed damages arising from the vessel idle stay (including demurrage and port fees) which could exceed the debt, the Debtor paid for bunker supply as soon as possible. This case shows again ship arrest as effective mechanism of debt recovery.
Due to achievement of final goal – debt recovery, Interlegal experts released the vessel within one day after the Client received funds. Both parties were satisfied: the Client charged debt for bunker supply, while the Debtor avoided the vessel idle stay at the sea port.
Interlegal lawyer Mikhail Selivanov and senior lawyer Alexey Remeslo led the case.