Interlegal consulted the foreigner upon real estate issues
16 September, 2019
Clients often apply to Interlegal concerning investments. Such projects may have different investment objects, investment countries, client’s characteristics, but the single element is a complex approach and analysis of several fields of legal relations.
A foreigner, who had invested into construction of the apartment in Odessa several years ago, applied to Interlegal for consulting upon the title and taxation of such real estate.
Interlegal corporate lawyers analyzed the provided documents, the Ukrainian civil and tax law provisions (including International Double Taxation Treaties) and drafted the Legal Advice. In particular, they considered peculiarities of owning the rights on a newly built real estate object, its taxation procedure and execution of title. Since the real estate owner was the Ukrainian non-resident, lawyers checked any restrictions in use and disposal of such property (in particular, its lease terms). Taxation issue included consideration of any variants for real estate ownership either by the foreigner himself or via the Ukrainian entity.
Due to the need in regular arrival in Ukraine, Interlegal lawyers touched also the issue of his legal stay in Ukraine, including for a long time. The Legal Advice shows the rules for temporary stay, the grounds and the procedure of issuing temporary/permanent residence permit and the procedure for obtaining work permit.
The Client received the best and the most convenient variants for real estate ownership, jointly with recommendations upon obtaining residence permit. Interlegal junior lawyer Dina Maksimchuk and lawyer Marta Sverdlykivska, under the supervision of partner Irina Voyevodina, led the project.