Interlegal consulted the shipowner upon specifications of hiring Ukrainian seafarers
21 March, 2018
Interlegal consulted a large non-resident company – shipowner upon specifications of hiring Ukrainian seafarers.
Although the Ukrainian legislation does not stipulate any restrictions for hiring seafarers, it prescribes several important specifications. Interlegal lawyers provided a detailed consulting upon possible and most reasonable methods of cooperation with Ukrainian crew members, for the purpose of most effective use of shipowner’s structure in relationship with seafarers.
Interlegal junior lawyer Irina Yakimovskaya and paralegal Nikolay Kozachenko, under the general supervision of partner Natalya Myroshnychenko, led the case.
Since Ukraine holds leading positions in the seafarers labour market worldwide, large companies – shipowners often have questions regarding labour relationship with Ukrainian seafarers.
Interlegal drafted practice on providing advices, memorandums, legal opinions to shipowners regarding hire and cooperation with Ukrainian seafarers, jointly with defense of shipowners’ rights as grounds for shipowners’ legal position in labour relationship with seafarers.