Interlegal consulting upon cancelling the Charter Party
1 June, 2021
Interlegal consulting upon cancelling the Charter Party
The Charterer applied to Interlegal upon potential actions regarding the Shipowner who failed to perform the Charter Party on voyage from Ukraine to Turkey. As per the Client’s request, the Shipowner failed to deliver the Vessel at loading port within the agreed term; therefore, the Charterer incurred essential losses due to violation of term for goods delivery to the Turkish consignee. The Client intended to cancel the Charter Party, with all the losses to be borne by the Shipowner.
Having analyzed in detail the situation, all the documents and the Charter Party Proforma GENCON 94, Interlegal lawyers stated that the Client was not entitled to cancel the Charter Party earlier than 7 days after the Vessel berthing deadline; otherwise such cancellation should be deemed as premature and the Charterer could be deprived of the right on loss recovery from the Shipowner. So we prevented premature cancelling the Charter Party, helped our Client to reserve its right on loss recovery and provided recommendations upon collecting the evidence in order to confirm such losses.
Interlegal associate attorney Igor Kostov, managed by partner Alexey Remeslo, led the case.