Interlegal consulting upon risks of disclosing beneficiary
17 May, 2021
Interlegal consulting upon risks of disclosing beneficiary
Interlegal regular client – international trader – filed a request.
Due to business expansion and launching trade operations in Ukraine, the Client needed analysis of Ukrainian risks regarding CFC ownership.
If the foreign structure’s activity is not related to Ukraine, the clients often prefer to remain unseen and to keep ownership information as confidential.
At the Client’s request, Corporate & Tax Department lawyers analyzed risks of further operation scheme, detected potential sources and ways of disclosing beneficiary in Ukraine and provided recommendations upon such risk mitigation. In similar cases, special attention should be drawn to correlation of entities, cargo customs clearance and bank transaction financial monitoring. Risk assessment upon recognizing representative office in Ukraine also should not remain ignored.
Interlegal associate attorneys Marta Sverdlykivska and Dmitro Tychynskyy led the project.