Interlegal continues active support of traders’ interests in their relationship with terminals and intra-port forwarders
19 July, 2017
Before the upcoming grain season, Interlegal continues actively support traders in their relationship with terminals and intra-port forwarders.
Interlegal experts address risks at various stages of cargo handling and storage operations before goods are loaded on board of sea-going vessel and leave the customs territory of export country. The main goal is to defend interests of clients as owners of commodities kept under control and at disposal of third parties.
The Client, large foreign trader, filed a request to Interlegal at the stage of executing such contractual relationships with the port terminal and intra-port forwarder.
The parties were ready to cooperate on regular basis and intended to fix their arrangements in relevant documents. Interlegal lawyers were engaged at the stage of arranging terms of cooperation, signing the relevant contracts and drafting other supporting documentation.
In the course of working upon the project the parties’ relationships were duly structured, zones of responsibility of all the process members were allocated, principal arrangements were fixed in relevant documents and the client’s risks were minimized.
As the result, the parties signed the set of contracts and commenced shipments.
Interlegal experts Karyna Gorovaya and Olena Ptashenchuk led the case.