Interlegal continues successful practice of defense of shipowners’ interests upon P&I clubs requests
20 July, 2016
As shown by statistics for the recent years, over 150 thousands of seamen reside in Ukraine. P&I clubs perform case proceedings upon defense of shipowners’ interests often with crew members engaged or involved and with the necessity in issuing certain documents, such as witness testimonies, applications, settlement agreements etc.
The distinctive feature of similar cases is proper cooperation with seamen, namely: establishment of contact, explanation of their functions in a certain case and risk level concerning their involvement in case proceedings.
Interlegal experts, upon request of The London P&I Club, determined location of witnesses under the case upon defense of shipowners’ rights due to the vessel incident and organized the process of signing witness testimony.
Both witnesses – citizens of Ukraine residing in Odessa Region, were crew members at the moment of incident. They provided witness testimony in order to defend shipowner at the court proceedings initiated by the cargo interests.
Interlegal lawyers performed a required scope of work and performed the request successfully: one of crew members signed the documents at the Interlegal office while the other signed them remotely on board of vessel during the voyage.
Prompt submission of witness testimony to the court provided an opportunity for shipowner to organize defense successfully.
Ekaterina Gadetskaya, the lawyer, and Igor Derus, the assistant lawyer, under general supervision of Natalya Myroshnychenko, the associated partner, worked upon the case.