Interlegal continues the successful practice of accompanying ship repair
31 January, 2018
A large shipbuilding enterprise applied to Interlegal on debt recovery for vessel repair. The Client fulfilled its contractual obligations and the Debtor had no claims in respect of work quality, but payment for repair works was not made within the prescribed term.
Negotiations between the Parties did not facilitate the desired result and Interlegal lawyers filed a claim to the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on debt and fine recovery.
Case specification meant that the contractual Arbitration Clause covered the Shipowner itself, while the contract was signed by the Vessel Manager.
MAC at the UCCI supported Interlegal lawyers’ position, satisfied the claim and charged debt from the Shipowner in full.
Interlegal junior lawyer Igor Derus and lawyer Mikhail Selivanov, under general supervision of senior lawyer Karyna Gorovaya, led the case.