Interlegal defended rights of the large ship repair enterprise
21 June, 2018
The Client, Ukrainian ship repair enterprise, filed a request to Interlegal on debt recovery from the foreign Shipowner under the Ship Repair Agreement.
The Client performed ship repair works in full and the Debtor accepted works without any remarks. Payment should have been made by means of installments within the prescribed payment period, but the Debtor made partial and late payment for ship repair.
During negotiations, the Debtor provided to the Client the Letters of Guarantee with recognition of indebtedness and obligation to pay it. But later the Letters of Guarantee turned out to have been provided to the Client during the winding-up procedure, with all the Debtor’s assets owned by Her Majesty the Queen of United Kingdom.
Interlegal lawyers analyzed the documents and the whole situation, drafted the legal opinion which provided debt recovery from the Debtor’s Company Director. Based on feasible position of Interlegal lawyers and submitted evidence, the court made a decision on debt recovery from the Company Director.
Having disagreed with the court decision, the Director tried to appeal against it, but Interlegal lawyers defended the Client’s rights at the stage of appeal proceedings too. Interlegal lawyer Ellina Romanova and junior lawyer Irina Yakimovskaya, under the general supervision of senior lawyer Karyna Gorovaya, led the case.