Interlegal expansion in Best Lawyers rating
24 May, 2019
Two Interlegal partners joined the Ukrainian top lawyers in Best Lawyers rating.
Arthur Nitsevych confirmed his high positions in three nominations: International Arbitration, Corporate Law and Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A).
Artem Skorobogatov joined the rating (Maritime Law category) for the first time.
International rating agency Best Lawyers makes up annual top-list of the best lawyers worldwide, based on comprehensive research. Each candidacy is subject to assessment by the lawyers – Best Lawyers rating nominees for the previous years.
Best Lawyers is the oldest and the most reputable law-rating service worldwide. For over 30 years, Best Lawyers facilitates nominating the best lawyers in various jurisdictions and law industries, jointly with publishing top-lists in the leading local, regional and national publications worldwide.
The whole Interlegal team congratulates its partners with such a high reward!