Interlegal experts consulted the British law firm
14 November, 2022
An English legal firm, representing the Shipowner’s interests in the framework of London arbitration proceedings against the Charterer, applied to Interlegal in order to obtain a complex legal analysis of the current situation in Ukraine, aimed to secure its legal position at the arbitration court.
The dispute arose after military invasion, due to prohibition for vessels to leave several Ukrainian sea ports on 24.02.2022, which affected the Charterer’s obligations. Interlegal task was to assess legal facts which occurred on February 24 and later, from the aspect of Ukrainian law.
Having studied documents submitted by the Client, followed by filing Attorney’s Requests to competent bodies and analyzing regulatory acts concerning such situation, Interlegal experts provided to the Client a complex Legal Opinion with detailed answers to all the questions.
Later, such Legal Opinion served as grounds for the Client’s legal position aimed to defend the Shipowner’s interests in the framework of arbitration proceedings.
Due to long-term experience and vast specialization in Transport, Shipping & Trade, Interlegal lawyers are ready to provide complex legal advice and to facilitate obtaining official position and documentation from governmental bodies.
Interlegal lawyers Taras Dragan and Karina Shakhbazian, managed by associated partner Karyna Gorovaya, led the project.