Interlegal Georgian office defended the shipowner’s interests
30 November, 2017
Owner of the vessel bareboat chartered by the Georgian company applied to Interlegal.
Non-fulfillment of the bareboat charterer’s obligations resulted in freight indebtedness, leading to the decision of the shipowner decided to terminate the charter party and to return the vessel. First, Interlegal Odessa lawyer, Ekaterina Gadetskaya, under general supervision of partner, Natalya Myroshnychenko, consulted the shipowner.
Later, Interlegal Georgian partners Valerian Imnaishvili and Paata Kopaleishvili detected errors in the vessel customs clearance entailing certain difficulties and risks for vessel’s withdrawal from bareboat charter and leaving Georgia.
Due to the prompt actions of Georgian office aimed at the shipowner’s claim security, the charterer’s property was arrested and the relevant arbitration proceedings we commenced, the freight indebtedness was partially discharged, the Vessel was returned to the shipowner.