Interlegal helped the Ukrainians shipwrecked on mv Costa Concordia
20 August, 2013
Interlegal has successfully completed negotiations on settlement of claims of several Ukrainian citizens suffered due to shipwreck of m/v Costa Concordia.
It was pretrial settlement which resulted in signing individual agreements for each suffered person.
We remind that m/v Costa Concordia sank in the Mediterranean Sea near the island of Giglio on the 13th of January 2012. At the moment of disaster there were 3216 passengers from 62 countries and 1023 crew members on board the ship. Among the passengers there were 108 Russians and 45 citizens of Ukraine.
If you claimed on compensation of damages but have not received compensation till the present moment, we recommend you to appeal to the experts of our company who will provide the necessary legal support for you.
Contact person: Julia Starova
Mob. +38 048 7037504
Tel. +38 048 337528