Interlegal lawyers arrested the vessel in Turkey for debt recovery
23 July, 2020
This February, we wrote that Interlegal won LMAA arbitration case amounting to 460 thousand USD. In addition, our law team facilitated issuing additional LMAA arbitration award on charging 50 thousand USD as the Client’s various arbitration costs, including legal service costs, notary fees and other relevant expenses.
Since the Defendant still failed to enforce arbitration award voluntarily, the decision was made on forced debt recovery. Interlegal Turkish and Ukrainian offices initiated case proceedings at the Turkish court, resulting in the Defendant’s vessel arrest – so, the latter finally joined negotiations.
Following such deed, the Client received half debt amount in due time. It also served as grounds for quick forced recovery of the outstanding debt amount, if the Defendant fails to fulfill its remaining obligations.
Selin Kulturel Darendeli, attorney-at-law of the Turkish office, and Mykola Kozachenko, lawyer of the Ukrainian office, managed by Alexey Remeslo , Interlegal associated partner, are still proceeding the case.
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