Interlegal lawyers charged debt for ship repair amounting to 200,000 USD in favour of the Client
10 May, 2019
Interlegal regular client filed a request on debt recovery for ship repair. The Client has duly performed ship repair works but the Debtor deliberately ignored its final settlement obligations.
Interlegal lawyers, jointly with the Romanian associated office, arrested the Debtor’s Vessel. Due to prompt actions aimed at ship arrest, the Debtor had to pay indebtedness partially, fix the new payment schedule and prescribe arbitration clause convenient for the Client: Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Following signing the agreement, the Debtor’s Vessel was released, but the Debtor breached payment schedule again. Interlegal lawyers filed promptly a claim on debt recovery to the ICAC at the UCCI and arrested the vessel in Turkey, based on arbitration proceedings.
Interlegal teamwork facilitated debt recovery in favour of the Client in full – ca. 200,000 USD, while MAC at the UCCI charged from the Debtor legal service costs incurred by the Client’ in full.
Interlegal associate attorney Vitalii Tolstik and lawyer Igor Derus led the case.