Interlegal lawyers consulted the client upon applying the instrument of agrarian receipts
20 May, 2020
The Client – large foreign investment fund filed a request to Interlegal regarding mechanisms upon securing fulfillment of the Debtor’s obligation by means of the instrument of agrarian receipts in Ukraine.
Interlegal partner Artem Skorobogatov, senior associate Karyna Gorovaya and lawyer Ganna Liakhova drafted a legal opinion, which explained operation of security mechanism by means of agrarian receipt and highlighted certain mechanisms aimed at mitigating the risks borne by investors.
Interlegal lawyers held an expertize, whereunder the Client got aware of main advantages of applying the instrument of agrarian receipts against unsecured forms of financing until crop harvesting, jointly with risks the creditor may avoid due to applying such mechanism.
Despite the fact that the instrument of agrarian receipts is quite new, we are experienced in consulting and legal support of similar deals. In particular, we are ready:
– to analyze your scheme from the aspect of applicability and safety of the instrument of agrarian receipts;
– to analyze legal status of the debtor under agrarian receipts;
– to support the deal upon drafting and issuing agrarian receipt.