Interlegal lawyers defended the vessel manager’s interests against unlawful actions of Security Service of Ukraine
28 February, 2019
The Client – shipowner, large Ukrainian non-resident company, foreign-going vessel manager, applied to Interlegal for defense against unlawful actions of Security Service of Ukraine.
In 2013 the Vessel called the Crimea for repair, while in 2014, following repair works, the vessel left the Autonomous Republic of Crimea having status of temporarily occupied territory at that moment.
As soon as the vessel called Kherson Sea Port, Security Service officers detained the vessel, referring to the Client’s breach of customs clearance procedure for leaving Sevastopol closed sea port. Security Service officers performed search on board of the vessel, in breach of the Ukrainian legislation, resulting in seizure of documents kept on board of the vessel – without any grounds for seizure. Search protocol was drafted incorrectly, while search was performed in the absence of attorney-at-law.
Interlegal lawyers performed a complex work, analyzed the documents, provided consulting upon all issues of the Client’s concern, supported the Client during interrogation, defended the Client’s position upon compliance with customs clearance procedure for leaving Sevastopol closed sea port and provided proper evidence. Under the results of hard and fruitful work, the vessel could leave Kherson Sea Port as soon as possible.
Interlegal associate attorney Ellina Romanova, lawyer Irina Yakimovskaya and junior lawyer Nikita Kocherba led the case.