Interlegal lawyers drafted a legal opinion regarding prospects of the Line’s claims for demurrage recovery from the Freight Forwarder
25 April, 2019
The Client – foreign freight forwarder – applied to Interlegal upon the prospects of line carrier’s claim satisfaction as for container demurrage recovery.
Having booked the vessel and organized cargo carriage, the Client fulfilled its obligations in full. Despite the original Bill of Lading and prompt cargo delivery to the discharge port, the Consignee failed to take cargo at the destination port, which resulted in demurrage and discharge cost accrual upon expiry of laytime for container use.
In accordance with the Line Terms&Conditions, cargo was sold by auction, but earnings were not enough to recover damages.
Negotiations between the Line, Consignor and Consignee lasted over one year but remained unsuccessful. A year later, the Line claimed for damage recovery from the Client.
Having analyzed documents, specifications of both the English law and the Client’s state law, Interlegal lawyers drafted a complex legal opinion regarding advantages and disadvantages of the contract, prospects of line carrier’s claim satisfaction under the court jurisdictions stipulated by the contract and prospects of amicable dispute settlement.
Interlegal lawyer Irina Yakimovskaya under the supervision of senior associate Karyna Gorovaya led the case.