Interlegal lawyers drafted legal opinion upon imposing sanctions in Ukraine
15 November, 2018
Due to escalation of sanctions in the framework of inter-state relations, a foreign insurance company applied to Interlegal for legal expertize upon imposing sanctions in Ukraine.
Interlegal lawyers made a complex analysis of the Ukrainian law provisions and court practice upon imposing sanctions, in particular, main types of sanctions and grounds for imposing thereof, as well as legal methods of cancelling sanctions. Based on their case studies, Interlegal lawyers granted recommendations for the Client upon preventing similar breach resulting in sanctions, jointly with principal methods of appeal against sanctions imposed on a certain entity.
Based on legal opinion, the Client could understand clearly the law provisions on imposing sanctions in Ukraine and key aspects for making fair and safe business in Ukraine.
Interlegal lawyer Vitalii Tolstik and paralegal Nikita Kocherba led the case.