Interlegal lawyers drafted NDA for shipowner and ship manager
9 April, 2019
Today, under competition increase, non-disclosure agreements have become a vital instrument. Such agreements appeared quite recently in the Ukrainian legal system, however they are well-known and widespread in global law practice.
Non-resident shipowner and large Ukrainian company – ship manager filed a request to Interlegal aimed at drafting the Non-Disclosure Agreement regarding confidential information received by the parties in the framework of cooperation, in performance of standard ship management contract.
Non-Disclosure Agreement is a legal instrument concluded between two parties for sharing materials, knowledge or another information with restricted access for third parties. Such type of agreement is aimed to prevent disclosure of any confidential information, such as commercial secret or personal data.
Interlegal lawyers drafted in due time the Non-Disclosure Agreement in compliance with the Ukrainian law requirements, with maximum restricted access for third parties.
Interlegal junior lawyer Nikita Kocherba, lawyer Irina Yakimovskaya, under the general supervision of associate attorney Ellina Romanova, led the case.