Interlegal lawyers drafted Terms and Conditions for their Client – service provider
21 January, 2021
Based on drafted Terms and Conditions, the Client standardized all the necessary areas of rendering services and defined not only its own rights and interests, but also obligations and, accordingly, the corresponding rights and interests of its own clients, so that they could make sure how they are subject to legal defense.
It will facilitate for the Client:
– to speed up significantly the process of concluding contracts;
– to secure fixing terms of the contract and to describe the entire process of rendering services, without disregarding small details;
– to restrict (or to release from) responsibility for non-fulfillment/late fulfillment of obligations;
– to minimize any legal disputes in future.
In fact, Terms and Conditions are treated as a public form of the Agreement that should not be arranged with the counteragent, since the latter, by starting cooperation with you, already confirms its agreement with the announced terms and conditions, by means of joining such a public agreement. Its main goal is to draft such standard terms and conditions, as accurate and legally correct as possible, that will facilitate avoiding legal effects of their non-perfprmance by the party and will defend its legal interests as much as possible.
We recommend Terms and Conditions for a wide range of companies – service providers. They will be especially useful for those who confirm the order by one click. Terms and Conditions will allow you not to waste extra time on arranging terms of the agreement and to commence the order performance as soon as possible.
Also, it is difficult to imagine more robust risk management. Terms and Conditions will facilitate avoiding additional conflict situations.
Usually, it takes not more than one week to draft high-quality Terms and Conditions, while their duration lasts for many years.