Interlegal lawyers recovered bunker debt from the Romanian Debtor amounting to 300,000 USD
26 September, 2019
The Client, foreign bunkering company, applied to Interlegal for bunker debt recovery from the Romanian company engaged in maritime operation security, in the amount of 300,000 USD.
Interlegal lawyers, jointly with the Romanian office, filed a claim on debt recovery to the Romanian court under the Debtor’s location. Arrest of the Debtor’s two vessels, engaged by the Client in bunkering operations, has been initiated in the framework of the Client’s interest defense.
We have already stated that such instrument as ship arrest is an effective mechanism for dispute settlement as soon as possible. In the framework of court proceedings, the Debtor paid for bunker supply upon one of the vessels.
Court proceedings upon the other vessel are still lasting. Despite multiple promises, the Debtor failed to pay indebtedness. Having studied case materials and having listened to the lawyers’ arguments, the court made a decision in favour of the Client, having satisfied its claims in full. But the Debtor, having disagreed, filed and appeal. During the appellate proceedings, the Debtor, despite its promise, also failed to fulfill payment obligation, while the court of appeal rejected satisfying the Debtor’s complaint.
Following successfully completed court proceedings, Interlegal lawyers, jointly with the Romanian partner, initiated enforcement proceedings. Their hard and prompt teamwork resulted in charging from the Debtor both principal debt and court fees within one month and a half.
Due to correct strategy, reasonable legal opinion, prompt actions and tactical negotiations with the Debtor, Interlegal lawyers, jointly with the Romanian partner, defended the Client’s violated rights, while the Client, having received indebtedness in full, got satisfied.
Interlegal lawyer Irina Yakimovskaya, supervised by associated partner Alexey Remeslo, jointly with the Romanian partner, led the case.