Interlegal lawyers settled the dispute upon indebtedness for ship repair services
10 October, 2019
The Client, large shiprepair yard, applied to Interlegal for solving the problem due to improper performance of Ship Repair Contract regarding payment to be made by the counteragent.
The Client fulfilled its contractual obligations in due time and to the full extent, but the Customer violated the contractual provisions regarding payment for ship repair works.
According to the Contract, any dispute arising from or related to the Contract shall be settled by the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In adherence to Interlegal mission to be useful for the Client, having understood that any arbitration or court proceedings results in additional expenses to be borne by the parties, Interlegal associate attorney Vitalii Tolstik and junior lawyer Nikita Kocherba persuaded the Parties to hold negotiations, followed by pretrial dispute settlement under the mutually beneficial terms for all the Parties.
Interlegal lawyers’ prompt actions facilitated dispute settlement in avoidance of undesirable arbitration costs and preservation of solid business relations between the companies.