Interlegal performed due diligence of the land plot and real estate
22 January, 2018
The client, large trader, applied to Interlegal in order to analyze legal status of the land plot and real estate located thereon, for the purpose of the long-term lease.
Interlegal lawyers analyzed the owner’s title and sufficient scope of rights to dispose the above facilities. Also, lawyers checked the objects for the presence of any encumbrances and restrictions on property use and disposal.
Due diligence touched also past and present court proceedings and initiated enforcement proceedings against the counteragent, in order to avoid unforeseen property arrest or recovery.
As the result, the Client obtained a detailed legal opinion with complex analysis of the legal status of the concerned property and recommendations upon necessary actions in order to avoid problems at the stage of concluding lease agreement.
Interlegal lawyer Ellina Romanova and junior lawyer Igor Derus, under the general supervision of senior lawyer Karyna Gorovaya led the case.