Interlegal secured GAFTA international arbitration award enforcement
15 May, 2018
Interlegal lawyers defended interests of the large international trader of agricultural products under the dispute with the Ukrainian enterprise.
The Client filed a request to Interlegal on recognizing the GAFTA international arbitration award in Ukraine and on securing its actual enforcement.
Interlegal lawyers, within the case proceedings, facilitated the court ruling on recognizing and granting permission on GAFTA international arbitration award enforcement, which served as grounds for negotiations with the Ukrainian enterprise – debtor.
Later, the debtor had to recognize that enforcement proceedings on debt recovery, followed by arrest of funds on bank accounts, served as serious grounds to renew negotiations.
Case proceedings resulted in drafting a decision on voluntary debt recovery, jointly with concluding and performing the relevant agreement.
The client’s lawful claims were satisfied in full and as soon as possible.
Interlegal lawyer Mikhail Selivanov and junior lawyer Igor Derus, under the general supervision of senior lawyer Karyna Karyna Gorovaya, led the case.