Interlegal settled the dispute upon the Charterer’s damages
4 April, 2017
Interlegal settled the dispute concerning damages suffered by the Charterer due to the Shipowner’s rejection of Charter Party performance. Machinery breakdown did not allow the vessel to arrive at the port of discharge and the Shipowner cancelled the carriage contract, while the Charterer, as seller of the goods under CIF terms, failed to fulfill the contractual obligation upon supply and had to pay fine to the buyers and incurred expenses upon unforeseen cargo storage at the terminal. The Shipowner did not eager to reimburse the Charterer’s damages.
Interlegal Odessa and Batumi offices organized vessel detention in Batumi which forced the Shipowner to join negotiations. For two days the Parties arranged reimbursement amount payable to the Charterer and concluded the amicable agreement, while the vessel was released.
Senior lawyer Andrey Perepelitsa (Ukraine) and partner Valerian Imnaishvili (Georgia) led the case.