Interlegal successfully represented the interests of the shipowner in a dispute arisen from non-payment of freight under the charter party
24 February, 2015
The dispute arose between the disponent shipowner, the client of Interlegal, and the charterer – a large Italian company-cargo owner in connection with non-payment of freight.
After the completion of the voyage the Owner found out that the charterer was recognized insolvent pursuant to the “amministrazione straordinaria” procedure.
This procedure is applied to the companies, having more than 500 workers, the amount of indebtedness of which constitutes more than EUR 300,000.00 for the purpose of restoration of their solvency and protection of the workers’ interests. The court appoints a special commissionaire, who prepares an evaluation of financial situation of the company and the plan of bankruptcy prevention, and establishes the term for the creditors to file their claims.
Interlegal promptly prepared and filed a Notification of Claim to the special commissionaire, having fixed the claim in a timely manner.
Associated partner of Interlegal Natalya Myroshnychenko and lawyer Ekaterina Gadetskaya worked on the case.