Interlegal team defended the Client’s interests in the dispute upon vessel collision
6 March, 2023
The Client applied to Interlegal for damage recovery. It was owner of the vessel that collided another vessel moored at the Galati port (Romania); therefore, for the purpose of charging damages, owner of the suffered vessel seized the Client’s barges and filed a claim on charging total amount of 200 thousand USD.
The main problem was that the suffered party demanded for the Letter of Undertaking in aggregate loss amount as lien, duly issued and signed by the Client’s underwriters. However, at the moment when the dispute arose, the Client had no valid P&I insurance and treated the loss amount as highly increased.
In the framework of project, Interlegal lawyers jointly with Romanian partners defended the Client’s interests at the Romanian court and facilitated the fair lien amount for vessel release, namely 15 thousand USD. Based on such court decision, the Parties held amicable negotiations within admissible limits and settled the dispute by means of loss recovery amounting to 17 thousand USD.
Due to prompt involvement and qualified legal support, the Parties signed amicable agreement and settled all the issues concerning losses, resulting in vessel release.
Interlegal law team led the project: associate attorney Mykola Kozachenko, partner Alexey Remeslo, featuring Romanian partner Virgil Nita.