Interlegal team drafted analytical report for Baltic Port Organization
27 October, 2022
The war in Ukraine affected and changed the course of fixed processes of trade and cargo transportation in Ukraine and worldwide, impacted on relations of all business representatives involved in such industries and affected pricing procedure.
Of course, global community could not ignore such large-scale processes. Analysts from various business industries, representatives of international organizations are still giving their assessments, forecasts and recommendations upon minimizing losses, changing corridors and logistics of cargo flow.
Interlegal also participated in drafting one of analytical reports regarding impact of the war on trade and shipping market in Black Sea & Baltic regions.
The process of drafting report was announced and carried out by Baltic Port Organization – an entity engaged in promoting cooperation between ports, monitoring and improvement of navigation opportunities in Baltic Sea region.
While drafting report, Interlegal experts provided their comments upon three principal aspects:
– Ukrainian export structure before outbreak of the war;
– Volumes and structure of cargo handling through the Ukrainian seaports before outbreak of the war;
– Export of Ukrainian agricultural products during the war.
Interlegal experts also provided the data regarding changes in such industries caused by hostilities, namely: changes in traditional logistics routes / redirection of cargo flows through seaports that were previously less involved.
Although such analytical work goes beyond standard specialization of law firms, due to Interlegal narrow focus and long-term experience in legal support of their Clients in Transport, Shipping & Trade, as well as due to deep understanding of such industries, Interlegal often acts as an expert for similar studies.
Interlegal law team led the project: lawyers Karina Shakhbazian & Viacheslav Solodenko, managed by associated partner Karyna Gorovaya and partner Arthur Nitsevych.