Interlegal won ICAC at the UCCI arbitration proceedings in favour of its Client
15 January, 2021
Interlegal succeeded in dispute settlement under ICAC at the UCCI arbitration proceedings, arising from improper fulfillment of obligations under the Handling Agreement on export cargos.
The Client, agricultural product trader, applied to Interlegal. The Client and its counteragent entered into commercial contract for sunflower meal supply of CIF terms, whereunder the Client acted as Seller. One of essential terms of the Contract provided for quality parameters of the goods.
In order to perform Sales Contract, the Client and the Sea Port entered into Handling Agreement, whereunder the Port rendered services on the Client’s goods handling, accumulation and storage.
Due to improper storage of goods at the Sea Port’s warehouse, sunflower meal of non-contractual quality was delivered to the Buyer, followed by essential cost decrease and losses incurred by the Client.
Interlegal law team actively provided pretrial settlement; however, the Port failed to response to any lawyers’ claims, which facilitated the need to apply to ICAC at the UCCI, based on appropriate arbitration clause in the Contract between the parties.
Interlegal lawyers duly supported the Client’s position under ICAC at the UCCI arbitration proceedings and proved that the goods quality deterioration was caused directly by improper fulfillment of the Sea Port’s contractual obligations.
Under the results of case consideration, arbitration court supported the Client’s position and satisfied its claims upon damage recovery by the Sea Port.
Interlegal lawyer Nikita Kocherba and senior associate Karyna Gorovaya led the case.