Interlegal won the initiated case proceedings amounting to 15 million UAH at the appellate instance
12 April, 2021
The Client, of the ;largest global forwarders, applied to Interlegal for defense of its interests under the dispute on charging fines and losses for cargo late delivery.
Although the fact of bearing the enterprise’s commercial risks is quite odd in global practice, in the framework of Ukrainian court proceedings it is quite widely spread.
The dispute arose from cargo delivery by the forwarder for the manufacturing company doing business in Ukraine. The Parties had longstanding partnership relations and cooperated for many years. But due to the conflict between the Parties, the Customer (manufacturing company) filed a claim to the court on loss recovery amounting to 15 million UAH due to cargo late delivery by the forwarder.
The first instance court rejected the claimant’s claims in full, followed by transferring 16 volumes of case materials to the court of appeal.
The court of appeal studied in details both case circumstances and essence of the claimant’s claims, confirmed lawfulness of the first instance court decision and agreed with Interlegal lawyers’ arguments.
Interlegal law team hereby expresses gratitude to their Client for trust and chance to defend its interests in such difficult but crucial case proceedings.
Interlegal associate attorney Andrii Kaftanov and lawyer Taras Dragan, managed by senior associate Ellina Romanova led the case.