Interlegal yachting lawyers supported insurance event upon recovery of 60,000 EUR
25 June, 2020
Interlegal regular client declared on insurance event concerning tender insured by our partners – Marine Services Group at one of the largest European insurer’s. In the stormy weather, tender was torn from the parent yacht and thrown on the rocks of a nearby shore. Due to the incident, tender sustained damages in the form of broken cylinder and shutdown of electrical equipment.
In the framework of complex legal services for our client, Interlegal lawyers supported in full the procedure for insurance event consideration, starting from the moment of declaring on incident by the insurance company and followed by facilitating payment of insurance recovery.
Although repair works are usually held under the results of survey and tender on repair cost, specification of this insurance event was partial work performance in due time in the nearby marina, due to urgency and the need to keep tender afloat. In the process of insurance event consideration, the insurance company took into account the aforesaid facts and recognized reasonability of repair works and recovery of its cost.
Under the results of collecting and studying the documents required for insurance event consideration, followed by fruitful negotiations, the insurance company recognized the fact of insurance event and paid insurance recovery amounting to nearly 60 thousand EUR.
Interlegal lawyer Valeria Fetysenko and senior associate Kirina Riashentseva led the project.