Investment and business opportunities map of Ukraine
14 November, 2023
Currently, the European Business Association is developing an Investment and business opportunities map of Ukraine, which (in terms of each region) will present the current economic indicators, geographical features, level of education, employment, etc. In addition, each region will have a description of actual investment projects.
The draft of how the map will look can be viewed in the presentation via the link.
Currently, we want to fill the Map with as much practical information as possible. In particular, with investment projects — to demonstrate Ukrainian economic potential and investment projects that are worth investing in right now.
Therefore, if you have such projects (requiring investment), we invite you to fill out the form via the link and provide more details about the project. We more than welcome photos and documentation for the project. All projects will be added to the Investment and business opportunities map of Ukraine, which will be published on the European Business Association and the Global Business for Ukraine websites. In case of any questions, please, feel free to ask
It’s worth mentioning, that this Map can be of great support for businesses and for the country, moreover, since a few months ago, we in the Association launched our extraterritorial unit — the Global Business for Ukraine, which aims to unite global business around Ukraine, and in the long term — to attract more investments in Ukraine