Lawyers of Interlegal have have squared away a Memorandum on the risks of sub-agency activities
29 August, 2019
Client, a big vessel (maritime) agent, requested Interlegal to provide recommendations to avoid risks in current work scheme in the framework of maritime sub-agent activities with foreign elements.
Lawyers of Interlegal carried out due diligence of the documents provided by the Client, having deduced and described in detail the current work scheme, in which they thoroughly analyzed all the risks and shortcomings.
Subsequently they conducted analysis of the applicable legislation of Ukraine and comparison of the rules of law with the actual circumstances of the Client’s case.
Based on the results of the work, the team of lawyers processed detailed recommendations regarding tax, financial, port and other risks in the work of the Client, as well as regarding the need to amend a number of resulting agreements as sources of legal relations.
The peculiarity of this case was that as a result of the Memorandum provided, lawers of Interlegal agreed with the Client to support this activity and conclude all necessary agreements in accordance with recommendations provided in the Memorandum.
The request was supported by leading lawyer Dmitriy Ochkolyas, junior lawyer Taras Dragan under general supervision of leading lawyer Ellina Romanova.