Legal opinion on the labor and social security regulations in Ukraine
23 July, 2018
Interlegal was addressed by its Client – one of the oldest international law firms in the UK, the leader in international commercial law, with the request for provision of legal advice on the labor legislation of Ukraine for the large classification society.
Considering the growing interest of foreign investors in the Ukrainian labor market and also the emerging organization of representative offices of foreign companies in our market, foreign employers are frequently raising questions related to the regulation of labor relations and social security matters in our state.
The specialists of Interlegal conducted a comprehensive analysis of the norms of Ukrainian legislation regarding the possibility and payment for overtime works, annual paid leave, bonuses, and other payments provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.
Also, in the course of the provision of the legal opinion, at the request of the Client, our lawyers reflected the aspects of the social security of employees and questions related to payments for the periods of sick leave, maternity leave and temporary incapacity of employees.
The legal opinion helped our Client to develop a clear understanding of Ukrainian legislation and to establish a solid basis for the provision of subsequent legal services to interested foreign investors and potential foreign employers.
Interlegal senior lawyer Karyna Gorovaya and junior lawyer Igor Derus worked on the case.